I've succumbed

For a long time I've wondered about starting a blog.  I've avoided doing so in part because it's easier to be lazy and then enlist rationalizations of the sort: it's totally narcissistic to think anyone cares about what I have to blather on about...I'd rather interact with people in person...I don't have time to maintain that, I'm out working...I need a new camera first...blah blah blah.  Let me point out first and foremost that I've never been one to spare others from my blatherings.  Secondly, this might motivate me to get a new camera.  Also, I've moved away from most everyone I know and interact with on a daily basis, and I'm finding myself wanting another vehicle for staying in the know and vice-versa.  Even if no one cares, I feel like I should be showing all y'all southerners about the amazing things I am able to grow out here in NorCal! Finally, though, I realized that I'd like to document my own forays into the world of garden, design, and--well, the world in general.  If no one reads it, my ego may be bruised, but at least I will have a catalogue of the many lovely, funny, strange, inspiring...adjective, adjective, adjective observations I stumble upon, as well as a place to document progress on projects from time to time.
So, here I go....


  1. I will read your musings! Write on:)

  2. Get it Kristin, I am so proud of you and your blog! -Abra

  3. Love to hear your musings my friend -- take some pics and write some words! - lor

  4. This is great. I'm so excited you've branched out and decided to do this. I'll read it, for sure :)

  5. Wow, all those random numbers and shit stand for my anonymous account.-- Jen E.


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